AWS C4.6M PDF download
AWS C4.6M PDF download

AWS C4.6M PDF download

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Thermal Cutting – Classification of Thermal Cuts – Geometric Product Specification and Quality Tolerances

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AWS C4.6M – Thermal Cutting – Classification of Thermal Cuts – Geometric Product Specification and Quality Tolerances

This is the U.S. national adoption of ISO 9013:2002, Thermal cutting – classification of thermal cuts – Geometricproduct specification and quality tolerances. It includes three national annexes (Criteria for Describing Oxygen-CutSurfaces with a photograph of a Surface Roughness Guide, a list of reference documents available for individualsinvolved with Oxyfuel Gas Welding and Cutting, and a guide for the preparation of technical inquiries to AWS) as wellas a list of published AWS documents on Oxyfuel Gas Welding and Cutting.

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